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Don't trust fake news, trust yourself

We all know it can be like the Wild West out there on the internet. Guess what? A majority of adults in the U.S. (and not just 20-somethings) now get at least some of their news from social media.  That’s according to a new study out by the Pew Research Center. (https://www.recode.net/2017/9/7/16270900/social-media-news-americans-facebook-twitter)  And while skimming Facebook to find out what is going on may not be a bad thing, remember that Facebook is not a news organization and that someone’s opinion posted there, or anywhere else on social media, may not be the best information for you to follow when it comes to your health. I recently watched a documentary called “What the Health” and I recall thinking “wow, is that true?” Today, I noticed that personal health columnist Jane Brody, writing for the New York Times, broached the same topic. Here is the link to her article, which provides credible information to counter some of the claims made in the Netflix documentary. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/well/eat/good-vegan-bad-vegan ) So where DO you get sound health related information? For trusted sources, it can be wise to go to evidence based websites. As a health coach I often recommend these two online resources for high quality nutritional information:  - Eat Right www.eatright.org This site is put out by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. They often update with fresh nutrition articles.  -    The Nutrition Source www.hsph.harvard.edu Run by the Harvard School of Public Health, this site provides a wealth of information. I particularly like the nutrition news section. You’ll also find updated information on healthy food, drinks, plus topics concerning weight, exercise and disease prevention.

 The bottom line is watch where you get your information. Don’t believe everything you read or hear, especially on social media. Make it a point to know your family history and be certain to notice what foods, drink or activities make you feel clear, grounded and energized. These things may shift over the years as you age. I recall turning 45 and just feeling sick when I ate greasy French fries. I may still swipe a fry or two, but I notice the effects on the body and usually stop after a taste. With so much information floating around, remember to check in with the best health and wellness expert around- yourself.    

Kelley Colihan Robertson, E-RYT, CHWC