Avolve wellness

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Me = We

The Great Undoing is upon us. As the coronavirus became our new reality, Avolve went online, like so many other healers. This week the cherry trees are in full bloom and we are bracing for a season of sacrifice.

During the first week of online classes March 19th students expressed grief, fear, not able to sleep well- all the signs of collective trauma that we are experiencing. I would wake up and check the news early & gobble up frozen yogurt bars. Now I have adjusted- small amounts of news throughout the day to know what is going on, only trusted sources. But it seems the grief is just beginning…

Staying grounded during this time is paramount. That means spending time in nature, expressing daily gratitude, giving ample quantities of grace to family members (my husband worked from home in the kitchen last week. : ) ). Whether we like it or not, it is time to slow down and learn to take really good care of yourself and your people. That means no hoarding toilet paper, practicing a sense of all is well in this moment, we need to pull together and let the ‘me’ first mentality give way to the ‘we will get through this together.’

There is so much to be grateful for. Today, we have food, clean water, a home, people to love who love us back. From sacrifice a sense of collective healing and myriad solutions and innovation is also emerging. That is what will pull us through, trusting that we are able to create solutions as a humanity to whatever is thrown at us.

Sending you so much love today…sending love and healing out to anyone who is suffering.