The emergence of Avolve wellness

Verb  / uh-valv

1. To willfully engage in a relationship with positive personal change

2. To return to yourself. Spanish verb ‘volver’, to return

3. To know “love” is contained in everything

Avolve” is a word I made up.  The time seems right for this new word. Let me explain. If you are alive, you will evolve- whether you like it or not.  But why not chose to evolve in a conscious way? That’s the idea behind avolve.

As “Avolvers” we look for opportunities to move out of our comfort zone, to take a chance— to increase awareness, whether it’s physically- by getting stronger, or emotionally- having better relationships, or spiritually- being more connected to our Source.  Once you are more joyful, more of life is available to you. Then you naturally become more available to those around you.  As we do this we help heal our families, our communities and our world.

Another thing I like about avolve is it’s similar to the Spanish verb “volver”- which means “to return.” So “avolve” is to return to yourself, to explore your dreams and to take steps to actually live them.

Finally avolve has the word “love” embedded in it.

We begin to unlearn anything is not loving to ourselves. Unloving thoughts have caused a lot of problems. When you begin on a personal level to restore the love that we all learn to contract just by living in the world, you start to realize that love is the force that carries us every step of the way.

Are you ready to avolve? It’s time we come together and realize that strength comes from supporting each other.  

Here is what “Avolve Wellness” offers:

-  1:1 Coaching. I help powerful women connect to creativity, inner divinity and joy.

-  Yoga instruction in my home studio.

- Sacred Yoga Retreats

This path takes boldness. It also is so much fun, once you see what lies ahead.

Will you come along?

Here’s to the journey,
Kelley Colihan Robertson
Avolve Wellness Founder