You Contain Multitudes

You Contain Multitudes

During our retreat it was such a gift for me, as the organizer and space holder- to see how folks arrived. A little scared maybe, not quite sure of what they were getting in to. But after a few days, we dropped defenses.

It is a privilege to do this work and to see people blossom. Human blooming is amazing to watch. And like flowers blooming, one flower doesn’t look at the next one and say- “why am I not blooming the way SHE is?” Humans can learn from flowers. Trust is key. If we trust that the experience we get is the one we need, we rest in knowing that our blooming time will come when it’s good and ready. You can’t rush inner work. When I first started practicing yoga in 1995, I was consistently angry in class for about TWO YEARS. Initially it was the teacher’s fault. My inner thought: “can you BELIEVE she pranced out here to teach wearing a THONG leotard?” Then it may have been- someone is in MY space, why do we need all these props, etc. Truly, at that time I was embarrassed about showing my own body and had spent years working in intense newsrooms in Washington, D.C.  armoring up- not wanting men (the bosses) to look at my body but to notice my smarts, wearing thick dark glasses and those big should pads! Then, as I continued to practice, slowly I could feel the anger burning off as the inner self became more spacious and light. It felt good to practice on so many levels.

We are at our best when we are connected, inner cups full, smiling, relaxed and grateful. Those states will also change. You are not the same person you were yesterday.   

In high school speech class (life changing, thank you Mrs. Coakley) we were told to bring an item, or share a popular song, to class that represented who we really were and explain to class why it was meaningful. One thin, dark-haired shy guy told us why the song “She’s Always a Woman to Me” was significant to him. I had never had a conversation with him; but in this shared experience was able to see other sides of him. This was 1980- he spoke with deep tenderness- something that men are often not safe enough to show, even still, today.  I brought in a kaleidescope and explained how I was ever-changing into a new and colorful shape that had to be observed by looking closely within. It’s still true! Walt Whitman puts it perfectly- “You contain multitudes.” 

You are multifaceted and different from day to day. On retreat I noticed some rebellious teenagers making themselves seen, an inner five-year-old, fun loving, wise women. Anger comes up- often as irritation- but women are trained to shove it right back down. We need healthy ways to notice the anger, watch it, and let it be. We then notice when we are being triggered (like I was by the thong-wearing yoga teacher) and apply curiosity. Hmm, what is this anger here to teach me about myself? Where does this anger live within me? Staying in curiosity keeps it light. The neurotransmitter associated with curiosity is dopamine- a feel good chemical.

 During my first health coaching training, we were told “meet people where they are.” But I have changed (surprise!). I no longer believe any of us can meet someone where they are. We can’t possibly know the multitudes inside of someone. Instead, when we work together, we co-create and collaborate, exploring, getting curious about the ever-changing and non-linear journey.

Many aspects of the Self want to be seen and heard- in order to heal. Others may stay hidden until it’s time to bloom. It is when you are able to be seen and heard that you are able to step into your magnificence and share your light with the world. 

      You are a multidimensional being. May you treat yourself with kindness and love